Hier könnt ihr mein Interview mit Rosita Arvigo, als Transkript zum Video/Podcast auf YouTube nachlesen.
Rosita Arvigo ist eine der wunderbaren Hüterinnen des Wissens um weibliche Heilweisen.
Das ‚Intim-Dampfbad‘ ist dabei auch eine der Methoden, die sie seit vielen Jahren praktiziert. Und sie ist mit Sicherheit eine der Ladies, die dafür gesorgt haben, daß Yoni Steaming zunächst einmal in den USA und heute auf der ganzen Welt, ein revival erlebt hat!
Die von ihr entwickelte Arvigo-Therapie hat 1000den Frauen weltweit zur Gesundung und auch zum Erhalt ihrer Organe beigetragen.
Hier in Deutschland gibt es ebenfalls einige von ihr ausgebildete Practitioner. Bei Regina Scharff habe ich mich einmal behandeln lassen – auch von und mit ihr wird es noch etwas zu hören geben…
Doch nun zunächst einmal super spannende Einsichten in Rositas Ansichten und Erkenntnissen:
Ricarda/YS: You are working with the abdominal massage
Rosita Arvigo: Yes that’s correct its called maya abdominal therapy
Ricarda/YS: And you kind of developed that yourself?
Rosita: Not exactly myself, no, I’ve lived in central America, in Mexico and Belize for about almost 50 years and during all that time I had spent a great deal of years with traditional healers, a midwife and also a maya shaman Don Elijio Panti, was my primary teacher in the abdominal therapy. And then I worked for 10 years with a famous midwife in Belize, Miss Hortence Robinson. So from those two I learned the traditional abdominal massage and then what I did, because I am a doctor of nephropathy, which is an offshoot of chiropractic since 1907, mostly in the United States and some in Spain as well, so I combined what I learned in neuropathy and my 25 years in clinical practice. So in the property we became experts in connective tissue damage and ligamentous damage. And so, when I learned this technique of lifting the uterus from these two wonderful traditional healers, I spent 20 years doing the anatomy and physiology research of how is this simple external ancient massage so incredibly effective. I mean the people, women who came to Don Elijio and Miss Hortence clinic, their results were just beyond amazing. So I really wanted to learn it. I did learn it, but then I wanted to understand it. I wanted to understand it, so then I could share it with the world. Because as a practitioner and a clinician myself, I have never ever seen results with menstrual disorders, fertility issues, endometriosis and pms. And all of those things that unnecessarily plague women’s lives. Doing the abdominal therapy, that on the pelvis area lifts the uterus and then strengthens those ligaments. So the connection I made is, because I understood ligamentous damage so fully, from my own practice in my own training. I realised that the uterus is suspended in the pelvic floor by 14 different ligaments. ligaments can be overstretched, which means then that the uterus could fall into the vagina and the uterus can flip backward and could fall from side to side. And then the unfortunate thing occurs is, that when it’s in a mal position for many years it forms adhesion and holds itself in that mal positioning. So that’s why the external massage is so incredibly beneficial. We gently move those ligaments and stretch, where they have gotten overly tight. And when we put the uterus back in position. Those over stretch ligaments naturally come back into their normal tensity. So that’s how I learned it, that’s how I combined my own practice and my own clinical experience with what I learned from these two traditional healers here in Belize.
Ricarda/YS: wow that’s so impressive and can you really feel from the outside the uterus?
Rosita: You can feel it, if it is not in proper position. That’s a very good question. The issue if the uterus is anterior, meaning it’s sitting too close over the bladder, you can feel it. If it’s off to the right side you can feel it, if it’s to the left you can feel it. If it’s retroverted, no you cannot feel it from the front. Right there are other ways to palpate the uterus that is retroverted. So in those situations yes, but a uterus in normal position: no. You can’t feel it. It’s too far back, unless then we would have to investigate to find out the signs and symptoms to determine is this uterus in normal position or is it retroverted. And that’s why we can’t feel it, but if it’s retroverted the signs and symptoms are extremely clear. people with a retroverted uterus have very, very clear symptomatology. There’s usually no doubt that that is the cause. Often their menstruation begins with terrible backaches and as soon as their blood begins to flow, the backaches begins to lessen. That’s because the uterus is leaning up against the sacrum. Putting pressure on those nerves. And if that’s been going on for years and years, then as the uterus fills with blood before menstruation it weighs twice as much as normal.
So that means that there’s twice the amount of weight pressing up against these already irritated and inflamed nerves, on the sacrum. So as your period begins, the weight of the uterus is less and gradually the backaches goes away. So that’s the primary symptom of a retroverted uterus.
Often people come with a diagnosis from a nurse practitioner or a midwife most women are told that their uterus is tipped and most of the time not always, but most of the time medical professionals say: „oh, but that’s just normal. Everybody has a uterus that goes this way or that way. Or that way and there’s nothing we can do about it.“ Once a woman told me that her gynaecologist said: „Nothing we can do but if it gives you trouble come in and we’ll take it out.“ Well we know we know there’s a better way. That’s the abdominal therapy.
Ricarda/YS: From my side my main interest is: I learned that you also implement and use the vaginal steaming, because this is what I’m actually offering, like a separate treatment.
I also add some belly massage and some breast massage and some pelvic, hip massage. Also elements to strengthen the female aspect in the body. And maybe where some issues are. But like the core, the heart of my treatment therapy is the steaming itself. So yes that’s why I am interested to have your opinion and experiences about the steaming. Did you learn this also from the mayan practitioners?
Rosita: Yes I did also . It’s very common in central America, so I lived in Mexico first. And I came to Belize. And in Mexico, I was there in the 1970s and when a woman experienced any type of menstrual or reproductive disorder, the grandmother, the auntie or the midwife would always say: first thing have you done, the vaginal steam, right. And so that it is their rigour.
It’s the first thing that women are instructed to do or know that that’s the first thing they should do. So I came to Belize and when I began working with Don Elijio about half of his practice were women. And he might see 200 clients in a week. So there were maybe 100 women who came to his little humble clinic in San Antonio village for the abdominal massage and everyone was sent home with a bag of aromatic herbs for vaginal steaming. So yes, I have been using the vaginal steams in my own clinical practice and in my own trainings of the Arvigo techniques of my abdominal therapy since 1982. That’s when I first introduced it, you might say publicly outside of my own clinical practice. And I do them myself as well and even though I’m post-menopausal. I still do a vaginal steam once or twice a year. So yes they are extremely beneficial. It’s an ancient technique for women, that is possible for everybody to do and the benefits are long. It’s a very long list of benefits.
Ricarda/YS: Have you heard about it before in the united states as well, or only in central America?
Rosita: No, only in central America, I left America when I was 35. I’ve never gone back and I’d never heard about the vaginal steams in the United States. Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua – very, very common. And of course the ancient maya at the island of Cozumel. Which was the sanctuary of the goddess Ix Chel. There is, where women learned to do, to perform and to receive these vaginal steams in ancient days. So it was a place where mayan women trained midwives, where they trained traditional healers and those who cared for women or those who care for children. And we know that they found at these ancient maya sites on Cozumel island.
That they found places where women would sit over an open space and there was an opening underneath to put the steaming clay pot. At that time for the steam to enter the vaginal steam is a fascinating subject physiologically because we find that when women say that they have dark blood at the beginning of their menstrual cycle dark blood at the end of the menstrual cycle. That is a primary indication this person needs a vaginal steam and what the steam does when we use aromatic plants. That would be our favourite are those gentle aromatics. And the steam and the aromatic substance, the essence of the plant enters vaginally. Enters the cervix goes into the uterine membrane. The steam and the essential oil of the plant. We never use essential oils; they are too concentrated and irritating to the uterine membrane. So the steam goes into the body of the uterus. And just like you would think about heat to clean, like make an oven, right, if you think about how the oven looks when you’re cleaning it. That’s what the inside of the uterus looks like after a vaginal steam. So that it is able to soften and remove the induration that occurs on the uterine membrane. So that means that a person who sees dark blood at the beginning of their cycle didn’t completely clear out their uterine fluids during the last cycle, right. If they feel, see dark blood at the end of their cycle that could be 20 years old. And so this is why we say induration meaning the membrane has become hardened with basically old dry blood. So women report that the dark blood looks sometimes like chocolate syrup, sometimes like coffee grounds. And sometimes even a little bit of something that looks like tissue. Which might very well be the very early stages of endometriosis. So the vaginal steam then on the first day of the menstrual cycle usually we do the vaginal steams the week before menstruation. And a woman must be informed it’s very, very important Ricarda. Yeah the woman is informed that the first cycle is likely to be very different. She may see more dark blood, she may see more sticking material pass, and that’s all good. That means her uterine membrane is getting a good clean out. Sometimes women have a fertility challenge, because the uterine membrane is so covered with these incompletely flushed fluids from previous cycles going back 20 years that there is not a sufficiently soft and juicy endometrium for the fertilised egg to attach. And that’s how it helps with the fertility challenges. It cleanses the membrane of its induration and this is something that’s very, very common with women. So it’s something that we should all be doing all the time. It should be done before menstruation not during menstruation. And then should not be done if there is a uterine or vaginal infection. And should not be done by women who have heavy, heavy bleeding unless they are being supervised by a properly trained practitioner. So we do that type of training for our practitioners to take care of women with extreme menstrual cycles, but we don’t recommend that women do the vaginal steam without supervision, if they are heavy bleeders.
Ricarda/YS: Ok! And in some cases I learned it’s also ok to do it during menstruation. Just in case that for example the uterus feels cold, or the vagina itself. Because there’s some of these cycles, when it can be extremely cold.
Rosita: There might be different opinions but the only time I recommend a vaginal steam during menstruation is if the lady is trying to get pregnant and if she’s absolutely sure that she has her first day of a normal cycle, because we couldn’t do it before the menstruation. Because she might have been pregnant, right. So on the first day of a menstruation, as long as she is not a heavy bleeder. Heavy bleeding is a contraindication without proper supervision! So on the first day of the menstrual cycle is the only time that I recommend doing the vaginal steam during menstruation.
Ricarda/YS: Okay, yeah, thank you for clarifying
Rosita: Yes sure
Ricarda/YS: And here’s one question for you: it’s about the history of and tradition of the vaginal steam. Why do you think there’s so little information, I mean you said it’s in a tradition, but is there anything written down? Are there books, are there historical proofs in a way?
Rosita: (laughter) what proofs?…
Ricarda/YS: I mean that is the stays alive it’s already a proof and of course I know a lot of mayan information has been burned anyway.
Rosita: That’s what happened! I am sure there was written information the way the maya were able to write with their pictographs and their hieroglyphs. Right, but remember that this information was suppressed. First of all, we have the Spanish conquest where everything that had to do with traditional medicine or with the ancient gods and goddesses was dangerous to do, to talk about. People were arrested and mutilated and tortured. If they practice any both these traditions and then you add to that the fact that people have always disrespected women’s health. And more so in modern times. And the most common response that I get when I talk about this from medical professionals but that’s old-fashioned. we don’t do that anymore, that’s too old-fashioned. So I, you know, I don’t have an answer for that, except to say that the information was suppressed by the catholic church and the Spanish conquest and that women’s health has always been of secondary importance since modern times. Forever. so I think that’s why. But are there any books about it? No. There are chapters. I have a chapter in my book ‚home remedies‘ but proof is in the pudding…
and you know it’s not easy to take a photograph of somebody’s menstrual cycle. You know what I mean? It’s not an easy thing to record, to a sense where there’s proof, other than subjective response. How did, what happened – this woman is able to tell us. But are we able to photograph her menstrual cycle? What comes in her menstrual pad? And would you want to see that in the photograph? No. (laughter)
Ricarda/YS: But like we’re saying like a pictogram like a woman sitting and you can see some steam coming up
Rosita: I have that there’s a chapter in my book called rainforest home remedies, published by Harper Collins 2003
So yes there is a chapter and there is a pictograph in that book yes.
Ricarda/YS: But is this like an ancient pictograph of a mayan side?
Rosita: No. There it is not. Too much has been lost. It may become uncovered someday, but thus far I’ve researched the ancient maya culture for 35 years, I have never seen that. Other than the evidence at Cozumel, which was the women’s sanctuary in ancient days where there appears to be a bench of open seats with slots underneath to put something that might have been like a clay pot. But it’s you know, it’s guessing do we know that for sure? No.
Ricarda/YS: Yes I understand. But this is a tradition in the mayan countries. I mean this is a tradition, the more I practice, the more often I can hear people telling me. I had friends from Russia that were saying things like‚ ‘my grandmother did it with me when I was a baby‘ or the same from africa actually there, I mean come across more often, not the steam but the smoke. it’s even still in the beduin cultures in Morocco. They still do it. Like they have long skirts on and no underwear. And then they stand on top of it. They make a hole and again, they put herbs inside and charcoal and then they steam the vagina. But also the penis. I mean, it’s for men and for women interestingly. In Germany we have what it’s called Heublumenbad. It’s like the grass which grows as food for the animals and would be sitting in the warm water. So these are kind of three similar and still a little bit different techniques. It’s a steam, it’s smoke – (I was saying)…
Rosita: I’ve seen people do smoke here as well. That is another tradition not as common as the vaginal steam with water. But I have seen that. And I made a trip to Morocco. I met a 98 year old moroccan midwife and she knew about the abdominal therapy and lifting the uterus externally. And she also knew about vaginal steams. So if she was 98 she’d been practicing for about she wasn’t any longer practicing. But she hadn’t stopped that long ago, so I would say in her case, we know that in Morocco in the 1930s it was being recommended for women by their midwife. So I think this is universal. Yes universal aspect of proper women’s healthcare and I guess you could say it’s old-fashioned, but so is eating and bathing.
Ricarda/YS: And old-fashioned means it’s still alive. Since thousands of years. It’s actually a proof that it does work. Otherwise it wouldn’t stay alive no?!
Rosita: That’s – thank you, that’s right. The fact that it’s been with us for thousands of years and women still practice it in small villages where they never had the benefit of education or they sometimes never learned to read or write. They know how to do a vaginal steam. They know how to take care of their relatives and themselves, when there is a uterine problem, so yes it’s been with us for a very long time. And I do believe it’s universal.
Ricarda/YS: And do you have any estimation how old that could be?
Rosita: I’d say about maybe five thousand, ten thousand years old. In this part of the world for the rest of the world I can’t say for sure. But I believe that it’s probably that old, five or ten thousand years of practice. And as you said, if it didn’t work, it wouldn’t be with us.
Ricarda/YS: Can you tell us more about how common and respected the vaginal steam was and is in the culture of latin america? And like you were already saying most women know about it and they do use it for their health. Are they aware of all the benefits or this is a one treatment working for all the issues in this area?
Rosita: Yeah it is basically you could say it’s a panacea for the reproductive organs and we’re finding that now in the 21st century younger women are starting to again agree that’s old-fashioned. We don’t do that anymore unless they have then a problem that medical profession is not able to take care of. And then they say: ‘Oh, I remember, my granny said we should do a vaginal steam‘ then they often come to see me. To get the information or to do the vaginal steam. And they find that it helps a great deal. But as I said it is common knowledge. Yet amongst the young people you know under 30 they are losing the confidence in that. Because of the inroads of modern medicine and their process of discreditation of everything that isn’t in their realm.
So young people tend to listen more than we. I guess, I don’t exactly know why, but yeah, we did that younger people need more convincing. People in their 40s, 50s and 60s. It’s the first thing they would do. Well as I said. Did you take your vag? Did you do your vaginal steam? You haven’t done the vaginal steam, well then you haven’t done the first step of women’s health care. They recourse.
Ricarda/YS: Which cures and improvements have you witnessed yourself?
Rosita: All right, number one and primarily is dysmenorrhea, painful menstrual cycles. And the primary sign is dark blood at the beginning of a cycle, dark blood at the end of the cycle. Or a feeling that your uterus is about to fall out, when you’re just before your menstruation begins. So then we see that after the vaginal steam those indurated fluids pass. And therefore after we lift and strengthen the uterus with the abdominal therapy. They go hand in hand for us.
Because if the uterus is adhered to a tissue in the pelvic bowl, maybe it could be sometimes we have found adhere to the inguinal ligament. So it’s very difficult for the uterus to do that muscular activity of contracting – relaxing – contracting – relaxing to get that indurated material off of the uterine membrane, so a uterus in proper position can clean itself.
If it’s not in proper position, the vaginal steam can only do so much right?!
Menstrual cycles yeah. Menstrual cycles are number one.
Number two is often a fertility challenge, we never use the word in my profession infertility. Because it is just a smack of something that is very negative and very final. It’s a fertility challenge and we find that sometimes, you know, again as I said, the vaginal steam is one of our complementary therapies that we use within these abdominal techniques, so we find that if the wall as I said previously, is indurated inside the uterus, there is not a sufficient soft, juicy membrane, for that to attach. And then if the problem is in the fallopian tube, sometimes women have adhesions, scar tissue on the fallopian tube, sometimes the uterus is swollen and inflamed from incompletely flushed lymphatic fluids. And therefore that little tiny needle width of opening, between the uterus and the fallopian tube could actually be closed because of the inflammation and the swelling. That opening is only the width of a needle. So how much swelling do you need, to close it? So the vaginal steam then helps all of that excess lymphatic and venous drainage to move out of the pelvic and then of course the massage also is important to get the lymph moving. So dysmenorrhea, fertility challenge and then of course the displaced uterus. And for premenstrual syndrome we find it very helpful. And even for postmenopausal women or women who are premenopausal it’s very important! Because as you end your menstrual cycles, you want to make sure your uterus is cleaned out.
And we find that women who have stopped bleeding and are now officially menopausal, if they do the vaginal steam three months after they’ve had that full year, they will still pass some fluid. And the fluid is, just as we said, rather dark rather brown and rather thick.
So do we want to leave that on the uterine membrane for the rest of your life? That could lead to some very serious problems, within the uterine membrane. We find that women even two years after menopause are still passing some of these indurated tissues, from the uterus. So it’s all very important!
Ricarda/YS: And if somebody’s healthy, would you recommend to do a yoni steam?
Rosita: Absolutely! Why wait till you get sick? Yes. A healthy person I would recommend maybe three times a year. And three times a year within, once in the week before menstruation. If a woman is trying to get pregnant, we’d like to do it before ovulation!
Then we find that women who are going for ivf the gynaecologist tells us, that after a vaginal steam, on the day of transfer, the cervix and the vagina are moist and soft and much easier to access. And easier to open to insert the tool that they use for the implantation. So we also recommend it on the day of transfer and we find that there is a much better success! Women who have insufficient cervical fluid find that it really increases. After a vaginal steam, because within the vagina sometimes the crips (?), that create that fluid, are often clogged. And they’re clogged with lymph. So you know, it’s connecting the dots. You have to look at the nervous system, you have to look at the lymphatic system, look at the arterial, the venous and the chi, the energy of the body. And you know, that’s why our training takes a few years. To really deeply understand what traditional healers practice, who never went to school, but for us, for us to understand it, it took me 25 years of scientific research. On the anatomy and the physiology,
to understand this, because my teachers could never explain this, at all.
It works, why do you need to know more?
It works, that’s enough information!
If I ask my teacher, the midwife: „Why do you do a vaginal steam?“ „Because it helps her!“ „Why does it help her?“ „Because it’s good for her!“ „Why is it good for her?“ „Because it helps her!“
Ricarda/YS: And do you do vaginal steam, when a woman has iud?
Rosita: Well there’s a controversy there. Some of my practitioners, who are nurse practitioners, they believe that it is not contraindicated. I believe that it is. If you have an iud: the purpose of the vaginal steam is a uterine lavage, meaning to wash to cleanse. But you have an object in there that is meant to be seeded, and is meant to prevent implantation, so personally I think, it is contraindicated. But I do know that there are other opinions.
Ricarda/YS: Ok, yeah. That is a good point, Because I had this request and I wasn’t sure. I felt it’s not ideal to have it. And could even move the iud.
Rosita: And it could lodge somewhere. I just don’t think it’s a good idea.
And of course, they have heavy periods with the iud! Because homeostasis is trying to dislodge this foreign object. So they all, almost always have heavy periods.
And the vaginal steam increases that. That what looks like another type of a symptom, but it’s just that cleaning itself out. And it’s going to be more violent, if the body is aware, that there is a foreign object in the uterus.
Ricarda/YS: It wants to flush it out.
What would you say it’s a difference or advantage doing it with the healer versus at home?
Rosita: I think the first time is absolutely necessary that you do it with a practitioner. So that number one, you don’t burn yourself. You don’t scald your labia, with too much heat that you are properly covered, and that when you get up your back is covered. So that you don’t get a wind invasion on your sacrum. It’s just that the technique has to be learned. After the technique is learned and well set into the mind, the person can do them at home. Yes, but not the first time.
Ricarda/YS: And how many times would you in average, treat the woman who comes with issues to you? In combination with the abdominal massage. Would you do it just one time?
Rosita: In general, it’s three cycles.
And that would be perhaps six treatments. And within these three cycles, there would be three vaginal steams. There might be six, depending on the severity and the length of the signs and symptoms. We might recommend twice a week vaginal steam. We might recommend once a week – before menstruation and then two two abdominal therapy treatments during the 30-day cycle. So it usually takes three cycles. Sometimes we have a woman with a fertility challenge, who just needed to get her uterus lifted up and get all that excess lymph fluid out. And then she’s pregnant within one cycle! That happens a lot. I just talked to a woman last week, who had had three miscarriages and had difficulty getting pregnant again. I sent her to a practitioner in the United States. And the practitioner – I always instruct them to try to get the woman to wait for three months. So that we have an opportunity to really clean the uterus. Get it back into good position. Improve the blood supply, the venous drainage, the lymphatic drainage and get better nerve supply into the whole pelvis. And so she agreed, „yes i’d love to wait three months“. Well she went to a party, had a little bit too much to drink with her husband and they got pregnant. Before her next menstrual cycle. So in cases like that, we are sure that the problem was uterine mal-position. Because when it gets lifted. Then all homeostasis takes over. The body is self-healing. Self-regenerating. And so if it is, if we as practitioners remove obstacles, nature’s natural healing ability. We must remove obstacles and leave the rest to the body wisdom. And that’s what happens!
Ricarda/YS: It’s so beautiful to hear. That’s great!
I haven’t heard you talking about hormones. I mean the plants I’m using it’s mainly local plants here from Europe, especially Germany. If I’m able I go out and collect them myself. And they have different hormones, hormonal aspects. So what is your take on that?
Rosita: Well my, you know, I’m in the jungle. And I had a rainforest remedies herbal company, where we make herbal concentrate drops for about 22 years. I recently sold the company to a lovely lady from Germany Eva Sankfelder. She’s in Belize and now she manages and owns the company.
So our plants go into a formula called ‚female tonic‘. And if there is any plant of those six, that are in there that I could put a finger on and say this is a hormonal precursor, right. They could only be precursors, I don’t believe that there is any estriol or estradiol, except maybe in basil. So these are precursors. And the one we use, is the mexican wild yam. Which was the plant that gave us the birth control pill. So from that mexican wild yam, they discovered steroids, steroidal compounds that could lead them to human hormones. So they were able to manufacture oestrogen and progesterone from the mexican wild yam. So that is in our formula along with five other plants. So those are the ones we use. And I have been in central america for almost 50 years. I am no longer familiar enough with the european or north american herbs to speak wisely.
Ricarda/YS: I hear you.
Rosita: But I know that the chaste tree that’s very valuable. Many people use
that. The chaste tree. There is another word for it. I can’t remember. I’m having a mental blank at the moment. But it’ll come.
Ricarda/YS: I’ll look it up. I know, I think I know, but I’m not sure about the german word either.
So for your steamings, you’re using your six herbs, nothing else?
Rosita: No no no.
Those six herbs are in a liquid formula, that you take by drops. It’s a tincture. That’s by drops. That’s what we give to women, who have a lot of symptoms. A lot of signs,
where they just have had painful periods for years. Where they had just lot’s of
symptoms. We like to give our female tonic to take by mouth.
And the vaginal steam to do before menstruation and get the practitioner to massage the pelvis and the upper abdomen. Because the key is: the blood supply to the uterus comes from just under the rib cage. So if there’s tension in there and the blood supply is not moving properly, then we really can’t work against that. The abdominal massage is the primary treatment. The vaginal steam is really secondary. Massage is primary. Because we cannot even get the results that we hope for, with the yoni steaming, if we don’t have good blood supply going down to the uterus, which is its very life force. And as we all know now, sometimes the chi is disturbed as well. As you mentioned there’s a lot of coldness in the pelvic organs. So we have a compliment, we use the abdominal massage, the yoni steam. We use castor oil packs. We use a female tonic and we also will sometimes have to do some emotional counseling. We find that women who have had emotional traumas around their sexual organs are often holding a great deal of emotional, spiritual tension in the tissues. And we do our best to help women to release that, without being psychoanalysts. We don’t psychoanalyse, but when you massage a person’s pelvis, those issues just come out. So as you see, it’s not just the yoni steam, it’s not just the abdominal therapy. It’s a complement of alternative therapies that we use in our practice for women and men.
Ricarda/YS: So there was one point, you were talking about the herbs for the steam. But I didn’t understand, is it the same like in the tonic or do you use different?
Rosita: They’re different. As I said, we like to use aromatic herbs, not essential oils right. Plants that contain essential oils, here in central america, oregano is a favourite, rosemary marigolds, lots of people love marigolds, because of their essential oils. So those often, they are culinary herbs thyme, oregano, sage, rosemary, marigold, those would be our primary. And we have some wild plants, that once called ‘loom bush‘. It’s obvious what that is for but it’s not the plant that you would know or whose name you would recognise, so because I live in a different part of the world. We have also in central america very specific plants that are not universally known, or even known outside of this region. For yoni steams.
Ricarda/YS: All right. So and then I would have a last question.
We’re talking about yoni steaming. Are you also treating men with the steam?
Rosita: Yes there are practitioners who use that for men. However personally I prefer a penis soak. As opposed to introducing heat. It can be just a little bit tricky to get them, to move the testicles out of the way. Because introducing that amount of heat into the testicles,
especially if a man already has a low sperm count, I think it’s pretty contraindicated. If there is a sperm issue. I find that soaking the testicles and the penis in the same things that we would use in a yoni steam. But that it would be at room temperature or even cool. It just depends on what the signs and the symptoms are. I think that the steaming has been beneficial for men, but it would be contraindicated for a man with any type of a sperm issue.
Ricarda/YS: And what would be indications to do a treatment for the penis or the testicles
Rosita: Well sometimes it would be – there could be erectile dysfunction. There could be sometimes emissions. And we have practitioners to specifically treat men. I’m not one of those, so I’m not sure, I’m the very best person to answer those questions. But I know that in my own practice, I use the penis and the testicles soaking into a bowl. And the guy can just stand or sit on the edge of the chair and use that for.
I used it in a case of a testicular swelling and it went down very nicely and also for the prostate. Of course prostatic congestion. It’s very good for that. And there again, for the guy it needs to be cold and he’s likely to have urine that looks kind of milky. Because those amyloid cysts inside of the prostate body get loosened and they start flowing, just like the indurated membrane of the uterus. So we find as a result of the penis soak or the penis steam, that the urine sometimes is milky. And that’s a good sign, not a bad.
Ricarda/YS: And not to forget is also the haemorrhoids, no?
Rosita: Yes, haemorrhoids too.
Ricarda/YS: Because there are so many herbs here, which also are indicated for digestion, but also for female issues and at the same time also for haemorrhoids.
Wonderful that was such an uplifting and inspiring conversation. I could have many more questions for you because I’m a very curious person.
Rosita: It was a pleasure chatting with you and I wish you all the best and good luck with your endeavours.
Ricarda/YS: thank you so much